Eventful 2012

2012 has been pretty eventful, filled with lots of short getaways on and around the little red dot.

The first trip of the year was Giff n Mingtai to Thailand - Bangkok and Pattaya. Shopping, feasting, drinking and hangovers were the highlights of the trip. 

In early Feb was a stayover at Festive Hotel, RWS. It was Andy's birthday and as Joenn's BFF, xy and I were invited to join in. In fact, it was because all of Andy's friends were guys and Joenn needed some company (as usual). This group of peeps had a common interest: Drinking. 

Next was CNY Family trip to Tanjung Balai, where we visited 大嫂's hometown and family. It was a trip purely to catch up with the in-laws, as Tanjung Balai basically has no attractions, no activities and hardly any shops were open during the CNY period.

In mid March, Andy organised another overnight gathering at RELC Hotel as the stayover at Festive Hotel was fun. This time, there were slightly more people and it got crazier as well. Hangover again for me. :/

Following was a 2D1N Kukup trip with Joenn and Andy's grp of colleagues. We spent most of the time in the fully air-conditioned chalet, singing, drinking and eating. The highlight was prolly the fire crackers and fire works we played with.

The second family trip was to celebrate Mother's Day - at Genting Highlands. It was suitable for our family as the adults had their casino and the kids had their theme park. 

In June, Andy organised a third overnight gathering at ECP Goldkist Chalet. For the first time, we did more than just drinking. We started off with cycling, followed by BBQ and finally games n drinking. Tipsy, a group of us went for round 2 at a small bedrock by the beach, which we christened 'The Rock'. 

Then, I went for a 2D1N Batam trip with my grp of 猪朋狗友 - Xinyi, Sam, Giff, Mingtai, Ivan and Mich. My favorite parts were the Go-Kart, Flying Fox, $1 tiger Beer and the drinking session back in the apartment. Cheers to 10 years of friendship! :D

Second trip in June was Genting again, but with Joenn, her mum, Andy, Chris and Jack. This was a pretty random trip arranged during the chalet in early June. Accompanying the trip was 3 bottles of liquor - Remy Martin, Martell and some horrible tasting Rose wine. 
Overall, it was fun and crazy. ;p

October trip was something special, because it was my first holiday with silly boy. 3D2N in Tioman was much needed, as it has been 4 mths since my last getaway, plus the place was really lovely. I never knew that beautiful scenary could help me to unwind and relax. I wanna go back again!!

December is a month of festive and joy. It happened that silly boy's bday falls in December too. So for the first weekend of Dec, we had a stay-cation at the Wanderlust Hotel , and the following day was an excursion to Universal Studios Singapore. 

Second getaway for December and probably the last of the year was to Ahyou Kelong in Sibu. It was my first fishing trip with Sharp Hook Fishing Team. After the trip, I began to appreciate the existence of water heater and sunblock.

Lastly, apart from my year-round getaways, there is one other thing worth mentioning. Since I was 10, there is one thing which I have not been able to strike off my resolution list. Hereby, I proudly announce - I'VE LEARNT TO CYCLE!! Ok, many of you might think cycling is peanuts, but to a person who has zero potential in balancing, it's a great deal!! I am super delighted with my achievement and also thankful to my mentor, the silly boy. :)

I really look forward to the next 19 days of December - Ivan's ROM, Christmas and welcoming 2013!!

xoxo, ping.

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